Friday, 24 October 2014

There's A New Monster In Town

Back in aught nine I used to run and write for a website called Inspired By Caffeine that comprised of consuming and reviewing energy drinks. Honestly it was pretty much a hobby that I happened to document but I did get sent free crates of drinks from various companies, boosting my teenage ego, so I had fun while it lasted. Since then I've stopped consuming quite so many caffeinated calories but I still get that original buzz whenever I see a new shiny canister in my local shop.

That brief recap of my life brings me nicely to this...

I think it needed more yellow
Don't be coy, you know what Monster is; chances are you've had one before. Seeing this on the shelf sends me right back to November 2nd 2009, writing my first energy drink review. My first review full stop, come to think of it.

It's co-produced (and signed) by Valentino Rossi, Moto Gp champion and owner of the pseudonym "The Doctor" which at least explains the colourful title on the front. As for the sun & moon stencilling or the "VR 46" caption across the rim? I have no clue, but it does look pretty.

So I'm disproportionately excited; as such when I cracked open the can and slurped the enigmatic contents within I was presented with an... anticlimax. It's lemonade. Maybe a bit sweeter, maybe a hint of original monster flavour. But, yep, definitely lemonade.

Oh well. Monster gets a celebrity partnership deal to sell their products with and I get a nice 500ml dose of nostalgia. What more could you want?

Well, a good flavour would have been nice...

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